
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What's Next?

As we wake up this morning after a tense night of watching the Presidential election returns, it is clear that we are entering a period of uncertainty relating to immigration policy in the United States.

When considering the numerous possible scenarios that might arise, it will be interesting to see how the bureaucracy – never to be accused of acting expeditiously – will respond to changes in federal law and regulations that are surely to follow in the next several years.

And yet, here on November 9, 2016, no one is certain what those changes will look like.  The candidates have offered various and sometimes inconsistent statements about what they would like to do, but when the reality of governance settles in, no one is certain about what the future will look like for those whose presence in the United States is dependent upon the immigration policies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of State.

In the midst of this uncertainty, here is something to rely upon:  the immigration practice group at Hunter, Smith & Davis, LLP will be vigilant in keeping abreast of new developments in immigration law and policy that affect foreign nationals and their families, their employers and businesses seeking to remain compliant with immigration law.

There are already some significant developments in immigration law in process, so stay tuned to his Blog for concise explanations and comment on future developments in U.S. policy on immigration.